Friday, October 19, 2007

That Was Back When I Was In College

"I had a friend in college who died. He couldn't afford a regular funeral, so we gave him a Viking funeral." This was told to me in ubermonotone, by an acquaintance. I'm reluctant to call her an acquaintance. I know her.

"Is that legal?" Asked acquaintance number two. I'm only slightly more comfortable calling him an acquaintance.

"No it's not legal. We sold his body to the medical school, because he was in premed. Then one of the guys in the medical school gave the body to us, so that we could give our friend a Viking funeral."

"Wait, what's a Viking funeral again, and why is illegal?"

"It's when you take a body to sea, burn it along with the boat. It's totally illegal."

"But why?"

I stepped in on this one. I have to claim that I had some accountability in getting this conversation going. I was telling the guy that I saw a casket next to a dumpster the other day, so she stepped in with the Viking funeral bit.

My response to, "But why?" "You ever watch the Sopranos? You don't want people coming by your house to pick you prematurely for your own Viking funeral, do you?"

"No shit." His responds and laughs.

"Yeh that was back when I was in college, in the 80's. I did some crazy shit." She explained.


Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah said...

I did some strange stuff in college too, but none of it even involved dead bodies.

katherine. said...

came by way of Death by Children to visit your blog....

Viking funeral....I want a Viking funeral....

BetteJo said...

I don't want a funeral. Of any kind. Yet.

Anonymous said...

I want a truck driver funeral: its where they take your body, put it into a wife beater t-shirt and jeans with a Cubs hat, sit with you in a truck stop diner in Blanton, MN, until they finish their biscuits and gravy, walk out the front door and leave you in the booth--after putting George Jones on the juke box.